Some properties may offer electric heater service for an additional daily charge.
Pool heat is never automatically included in rental rate. You will find more information in the property description.
The temperature of swimming pools varies and depends on the day and night temperatures, length of day and finally wind. Therefore, there is no guarantee for a certain pool temperature. Pool heater temperature with optional pool heat will be set to minimum 84°F in winter (November to March) and minimum 86°F in summer. These number are the target setting for the heater, not the actual temperature of the pool.
The optional pool heater service (electricity for pool heater) must be ordered and paid before our service personnel can turn it on. We suggest ordering pool heat prior (minimum 1 week) prior to your arrival. All pool heat orders are final, no refunds.
Our tech needs to physically go to the property and turn the service on. We try to do our best to accommodate late orders, however, it might take a few days before somebody may be able to turn it on. Depending on the specific property, our staff may need to enter the home if you are not present.
Pool heat will be turned on the day of your arrival (Monday-Saturday only, no Sunday activations). For Sunday arrivals it may be activated the next business day, unless you choose the option of having it turned on 3 days prior to arrival (at an additional nightly charge). This is recommended especially for shorter stays. Depending on outside temperatures, weather, and wind, the pool will take several days to heat up. During or after periods of very cold weather (esp. fall, winter, spring cold front) it may take longer to heat up or not heat up at all. We are talking about days not hours. If there is a delay in activation due to scheduling on our end, we will prorate retroactively and credit unused days.
DISCLAIMER: During times of extreme cold winter weather (for Florida standards, nights around or below 55°F and days 65°F), we reserve the right to not activate pool heat or delay activation. This is up to our discretion. It would not improve water temperpature. Also pool equipment might freeze and damage equipment. Any charges for non-active days will be adjusted retroactively and refunded if needed.
Law of physicals: 20,000 to 40,000 gallons of water take a huge amount of energy to heat up. No commercially available pool heater can do that instantly or within a few hours. So please plan ahead.
- All orders are final.
- Activation and deactivation fee is $25 each = $50 (a team member must physically activate / deactivate / check the heater)
- The daily charge for pool heat electricity $20 – $40 depending on the property and size of the pool – see property description), the fee that is published on the date we receive the pool heat order will be the fee that is being charged (fees may change anytime after your booking, so please check the listing at the time you order any services if not ordered at the same time)
- The minimum charge for pool heat is one week + one-time fees.
- Pool heat can be ordered for the full stay, or reminder of stay.
We cannot accommodate, one week with pool heat, one week without and so on.
Exception: If your stay is longer than 6 weeks, we do allow pool heat for a minimum of one month and shutoff thereafter. The shutoff period must exceed 2 weeks. So no “3 days before departure” shutoffs, please.
This must be ordered in advance before ordering pool heat. No refunds on already ordered service.
No specific pool temperature is guaranteed by this service. During and after cold fronts or periods, or in winter general when days are short, pool heaters may struggle or even be unable to keep the water at the same temperature until the weather gets substantially warmer. We do not suggest ordering pool heat for these periods.
You pay for electricity for the pool heater for a minimum of 8 hours per day. This is NOT a 24-hour heater service. The pool heater will be off when circulation pump is off, i.e. during the night. Don’t expect bathtub temperatures with pool heat when nights are in the 50s, 60s or 70s.
Without optional pool heat pool temperatures can go down to 50°F to 60°F in December to March depending on the weather. The pool heater will help to warm up the pool faster once it gets warmer outside, however, you should not expect “bathtub or spa temperatures” during or after cold fronts or winter / spring / fall cold nights or with short stays.
Only our service person may change the settings of pool equipment.
There is an extra fee for each time we need to change the pool heat setting. Unfortunately, we are unable to activate / deactivate pool heater on short notices or provide refunds for previously ordered pool heater service.
We reserve the right to make pool heat unavailable at any time due to outages, maintenance or repairs. In case of a technical malfunction, we will refund the pool heat charge for the time the heating service was not available to you.
No credit, except for refund of unused pool heat charge, will be given if pool equipment fails or if pool or pool heat is unavailable for any reason.
Understanding pool heat
—-> The pool heater and circulation pump are usually running during daytime hours (between approx. 10 am and 4 pm). Both are off at night!
IMPORTANT: No water circulation or a red light at the equipment does NOT indicate any malfunction when the pump is off.
Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to keep the water level at the correct height between pool service visits. If the water level gets too low (due to evaporation between pool service visits) the pool heater will NOT work. During times of low precipitation, evaporation may lower the water level to a degree where the circulation pump is sucking air. Consequently, the pool heater will not work. Instructions for Correct water level see here. No REFUNDS if this happens!
The pool heat cannot be set higher than that maximum temperature (mid 80s) in order to keep chemicals balanced. Swimming pools are NOT intended for higher temperatures. Setting a pool to a higher temperature would trigger additional maintenance (bi-weekly pool service, increase in chemicals usage, increase in electricity) which are NOT included in the pool heat fee.
Our opinion:
Anybody is different when it comes to pool heat. So please don’t ask us, if you need pool heat on or off. As Floridians, we don’t use the pool at all in winter and need pool heat year-round 😉
Pool heat is a charge for 8 hour daily of electric power and depreciation on the pool heater. Therefore, we cannot provide any discount or reductions on pricing for pool heat.